714-313-0459 dwsclassics@yahoo.com



January 2016

Genevieve Chappell Visits DWS Classics
TV Personality Genevieve Chappell visits DWS Classics for a look at the SEMA 1965 GTO Convertible. Look for us on Maquire’s Car Crazy SEMA Special in 2016.

June 2015

DWS Classics had a great first weekend of June! Every June, the first weekend of the month; The Huntington Beach Elks Club has it’s annual Car Show & Chili Cook off.

DWS Classics won two trophies:

  • Best Original Stock Car with our 1965 Ford Falcon
  • & Best Muscle Car with a 1965 DODGE HEMI Coronet.

Sunday was the annual Huntington Beach Concourse at Huntington Beach Central Park. Again the 1965 Coronet won best restored race car (The Falcon was not entered.). DWS Classics batted-a-thousand! Not a bad weekend… Thank You HB Elks Lodge and Bart @ The Huntington Beach Concourse!

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DWS Classics
7950 Yorktown Ave. #15
Huntington Beach, CA

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. PST